Give that Restless Rabbit a Carrot to Gnaw on.

Got to keep going.  Hoppity hop from one thought to the next, one project to the next, never stop, you can’t stop, you won’t stop - because that’s just not an option. 

You’re well aware you only live once, that your time here is short and you want to experience as much as you can. Taking multiple classes, raising a family, holding down a full-time job, while building your business and making time for friends, this is a jam-packed life. You’ve got this because, you just have more energy than most.  You want to experience everything, and that means doing as much as you can at once, because you are living life to the fullest.

You tell yourself even though you may not complete everything, you’ve definitely experienced everything.  Yea, you start so many things and sometimes you don’t see them all the way through but it’s to be expected. You don’t have time to be bored and when anything becomes boring, you find a reason to move onto something more exciting. Something more stimulating.

Where does this need to keep going come from?  What does it mean to just sit still and be?  What would it mean if you focused on one goal or one task at a time and saw it through to completion before taking on something new?  What is it about being bored that makes you so uncomfortable?

For some being hijacked by the Restless Rabbit and the need for multiple interests and constant entertainment comes from a place of anxiety.  Unable to sit with uncomfortable feelings, leads you to filling up your days as a way to avoid dwelling on unpleasant thoughts, concerns or memories. Boredom allows your mind to wander into depths of emotions that you believe you’re not able to handle.

Other’s that have be kidnapped by the Restless Rabbit may have a fear of failing. The desire to be doing many things at once makes you feel like you’re working towards your goals and if you never reach them, it’s because you’ve got so much going on.  You’re literally too busy to fail, because you’re too busy to see things through to completion.   

What happens when you learn to resist the Restless Rabbit?

  • You realize hopping from one thing to the next inhibits your ability to be in the now.

  • The uncomfortable feelings you’re avoiding are still within you and are not going away.

  • Your overfull plate is a way of masking your fear of failure.

  • You’re missing out on connecting with others because you’re afraid of what that may mean.

  • You’re spinning in circles thinking you’re advancing when you’re just in a whirlpool going nowhere.

For those that have been hijacked by the Restless Rabbit I implore you to take a few breaths this week.  Determine one goal of the utmost importance and spend this week just focused on that.  Spend time with your thoughts, and challenge yourself to be still, breathe and let yourself acknowledge that you’ve been avoiding. Feel the feelings in the body…just in the body.  Five minutes a day of complete stillness, no phone, no TV; just you, breathing and sitting still. Let me know what you find.